Legal Notice

This website is edited by 'La Société La Route du Chanvre', a joint stock company with capital of 40,000 euros, entered on the Bayonne Trade Register under number 753 106 954, whose headquarters is located at: Le Jalday, 202 rue des Artisans, 64500 St Jean de Luz.
Web Provider : INFOMANIAK NETWORK SA - 26 avenue de la Praille 1227 Carouge / Genève (SUISSE)
La Société 'La Route du Chanvre' strives to ensure as best they can, that the information on the website is accurate and up to date, as well as the access to this information. Nevertheless, Couleur Chanvre shall not be responsible for:
- any disruption on the website
- viruses
- any inaccuracy or omission as regards the information available on the site
- any damage resulting from third party hacking that changes the information on the site
- and in general, any direct or indirect damage, whatever the cause, source, nature or consequences, including in particular but not exclusively, costs arising from the acquisition of goods on the site due to access to the website or the inability to access it or of credit issued directly of indirectly from information on the website.   
Personal Data Protection
La société 'la route du chanvre' undertakes to keep the information given to them online by internet users confidential.
Any personal information that the internet user sends to Couleur Chanvre for the use of certain services is subject to the provisions of Law no. 78-17 on data processing and civil liberties of 6 January 1978. To this end, the internet user, has the right to access, rectify or delete their personal information, which they can exercise at any time by sending a letter to the following address:  La Route du Chanvre, protection des données personnelles, 202 rue des Artisans 64500 St Jean de Luz or by email to: or by clicking on 'My account'.  
Couleur Chanvre collects personal information for the purposes of administrative management and marketing and, in particular, when signing up to our website, submitting an application, or entering a game, competition or survey. In accordance with the legal obligations, we keep this data for the period for which it is needed, for the purpose you have specified. Thus, the data sent through signing up to the newsletter shall be kept until the internet user unsubscribes. Regarding, data for any online order, this shall not be kept for longer than 5 years. Data collected is for the sole use of Couleur Chanvre.  
Intellectual Property Rights
Any elements on the site and the site itself are protected by copyright, rights concerning trademarks, designs and models or colours, on behalf of Couleur Chanvre. They cannot be used for private, personal and non-commercial means. In addition, their use must respect the reproduced elements. Thus, no modification or alteration of any kind can be carried out. Any use for purposes other than those specified above must be submitted for prior authorisation from 'La Société La Route du Chanvre' in writing.  Any use of the site content that contravenes these rules shall constitute an infringement within the meaning of the Intellectual Property Code.  
This site may contain links to other websites. Insofar as Couleur Chanvre cannot control these sites and external sources, it therefore cannot be held responsible for any access or contents problems of these sites. Furthermore, Couleur Chanvre reserves the right to authorise any simple or complex hypertext link or SEO.  
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Purpose: To store products added to the cart.Duration: These cookies expire after 60 days or upon order confirmation. As shopping cart cookies are essential for the proper operation of our website, it is not possible to deactivate them via the Cookie Management link. By continuing to browse our site, you agree to accept the use of shopping cart cookies.Facebook Cookies:
Purpose: Audience measurement and targeted advertising.Duration: These cookies are stored for a period of 90 days.Pinterest Cookies:
Purpose: Audience measurement and targeted advertising.Duration: These cookies are stored for a period of 90 days.Google Analytics GA4 Cookies:
Purpose: To analyze site traffic and usage to improve our services.Duration: GA4 cookies can remain for up to 14 months.You can manage and disable cookies by clicking on the Cookie Management link located in the footer on all pages of the website.